
XTREME Melfar24 has 3 loops:

Day loop 44.8 km - LINK - In the countryside, rolling hills and most likely with wind from northwest...

Night loop 14.8 km - LINK - In town and along the sea, with street lights

Final loop 2.9 km - LINK - This final short loop magicly makes all riders go faster the last hour to get the last miles. Only loops finished BEFORE your 12 or 24 hours runs out will count.



If you have Google Earth installed on your computer, you can 'fly' the loops. In the links above - under Export (right side at the top) save a KML file, which can be viewed in Google Earth. It is also here you export data for your GPS.

The overview contains data for the loop profile and distance

If you would like to calculate what distance you can do based on speed and pause time, here is a small spreadsheet to assist you: Excel

Day loop

dagrute 2016

Night loop


Final loop
